SJAMBA is hosting three Coaching Clinics this spring.

Headingley Rally Cap Clinic Apr 23/18 @ 6:00pm Phoenix Community Centre (153 Seekings) Jason Miller
Headingley Initiation Coach Clinic Apr 30/18 @ 6:00pm Phoenix Community Centre (153 Seekings) Jason Miller
Headingley Initiation Coach Clinic May 7/18 @ 6:00pm Phoenix Community Centre (153 Seekings) Jason Miller


Please visit the NCCP website to view all available courses.


Coaches and/or potential coaches need to visit the NCCP website and determine what coaching requirements are required to coach at each level.

Respect in Sport is an on-line program put on by Sport Manitoba and is Mandatory for all Coaches. You can access the course here.

The cost for all coaching clinics will be reimbursed to the coach. Community Clubs will pay for any coach clinic relating to Rally Cap, Grandslam, Mosquito A, Peewee A, Bantam A and Midget A. SJAMBA will pay for any AA and AAA related coaching clinic.